Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Science and Technology, Vanita Vishram Women’s University celebrated World Food Day by organising an Ayurnutri Workshop for our students of Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics. This day is observed to mark the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945. The theme for World Food day 2022 is “Leave no one behind.”
The workshop on “Ayurnutri” was conducted by Resource person- Vaidya Medha Patel, M.D (Ayu). Ayurnutri is the combination of Ayurveda and Nutrition as Nutrition plays a central role in Ayurvedic living. Ayurveda places special emphasis on “Ahara” (diet) and “Anna” (food) as a means to good life, health and wellness. Vaidya Medha Patel demonstrated 5 recipes (Raab, Poi Muthiya, Sprouted seeds salad, Chilla, Laddoo incorporating various millets and local veggies) which focuses on promoting balance within the body.