Department of Physical Education and Sports & NSS Unit of Vanita Vishram Women’s University, organized “Sports Tournaments” as a part of 36th National Games Awareness Campaign “Celebrating Unity through Sports” on 15th and 16th September 2022
On 15th September, 2022 Chess and Carrom tournament were organized for the students of all the departments of VVWU.
Winners of Chess Tournament are:
1st- Shreenidhi Khandal(FY B.Sc – Chemistry)
2nd- Sabin Zaveri(FY BCA)
3rd- Komal Chugh (SY B.A. English)
Winners of Carrom Tournament are:
1st – Darshna Bhatt ( Msc- Microbiology)
2nd- Aakansha Yadav ( SY B. Sc – Microbiology)
3rd- Nadiya Saiyed ( SY BA – English)
Congratulations to all the winners 💐