NCC Unit of School of Commerce and Business Management of Vanita Vishram Women’s University, Surat organised a Session on ‘An Overview of Indian Defence Forces’ on 16th march 2023.
Col. Dr. Mayank Upadhya, SM, Commanding Officer, 6th Gujarat Girls BN, NCC, Surat enlightened students regarding Indian Defence Services and how to join Indian Defence Forces through NCC & after graduation.
286 students of VVWU schools, 53 NCC cadets of SCBM and 25 Other college NCC Cadets of 6 guj girls battalion, Surat benefited from this session.
This Session was coordinated by Dr. Tanvi Tarpara and Prof. Madhulika Rajput, which was planned under the guidance of Provost Dr. Daxesh Thakar and Dean-SCBM, Dr. Abhilasha Agarwal.