Sr. No.


Name of the Member


The Provost – Chairperson

Dr. Daxesh Thakar


One member to be nominated by the President from amongst the Members of the Governing Body

Mr. Kriplani T. Desai


One member to be nominated by the President from amongst the member of the Board of Management

Mr. Pravin T. Vora


One External expert in the field of Finance (CA) to be nominated by the Governing Body

Mr. (CA) Gaurang S. Reshamdalal


One Internal expert in the field of Finance (CA) to be nominated by the Governing Body

Mr. (CA) Atul Desai


The Chief Finance and Accounts Officer shall be the Member Secretary of the Finance Committee

Mr. Dharmesh Dalal


Provost may co-opt, if considered necessary, any other person as a member in the Committee

Dr. Navnit J. Chothani


Vanita Vishram Women’s University (VVWU) is the First-ever Women’s University of Gujarat approved under Public-Private-Partnership with the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009. VVWU is committed to provide quality education and employment opportunities to its girl students through its revamped curriculum and pedagogy. The focus is on prioritizing practical component and experiential learning supported through academia-industry linkages, functional MoUs, skill development training, internships etc. It aims at providing opportunities to the girl students for holistic development and self-reliance.