The present crisis of humanities emanates from the pre-dominance of science and technology in particular because it contributes to human conditions and comfort in tangible terms and thereby changing the human condition with material inventions. The resultant utilitarian society likes to invest in science and technology because it takes care of provisions for life.
Literature, on the other hand, takes care of vision. But its impact is intangible and immeasurable in terms of quantity. Humanities or literary discourse brings about qualitative changes that remain immeasurable, but for its manifestation in human conduct that may be observed and experienced, but not quantified. However, what gets obviated in the process is that both of them i.e., science and technology and humanities are complementary, though those fascinated with tangible outcomes do tend to gloss over it.
The function of literature is to bring the questions of values—human and literary—in focus. Literari- ness is the ability of literature to attract attention to itself that it achieves through deviant use of language. As a system of knowledge, it aims at providing pleasure first and knowledge thereafter. Therein lies its value in being pleasant. Thereafter, the important thing is to know what literature is valued for. Literature is known for what it stands or its commitment. Literature celebrates life in all forms and stands for and with values of life by representing the weak, the poor, the exploited, the vulnerable and the voiceless. In a way, literary values are values of life, particularly human life.
Accordingly, English literary curricula have evolved over a period of time in India. From its Anglo-centric core, it moved to new literatures—Third World Literature, Commonwealth Literature, American, Canadian, Australian, African Literature, and New Literatures in English, and later to Indian Literature in English and Indian Literature in translation in the light of various critical and theoretical discourses like Post-modernism, Post-colonialism, Feminism, and Black Aesthetics/Dalit Aesthetics among others. Thus, it is necessary for English Studies to recognize and respect the differ- ences and transcend binaries.


Vanita Vishram Women’s University (VVWU) is the First-ever Women’s University of Gujarat approved under Public-Private-Partnership with the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009. VVWU is committed to provide quality education and employment opportunities to its girl students through its revamped curriculum and pedagogy. The focus is on prioritizing practical component and experiential learning supported through academia-industry linkages, functional MoUs, skill development training, internships etc. It aims at providing opportunities to the girl students for holistic development and self-reliance.