Department of Computer Science SST-VVWU organized an inauguration session for F.Y.B.Sc IT [M.Sc IT – 5 Years Integated] students on 19/07/23.
It aimed at introducing the students regarding academics and other aspects of the university.
Dr. Apurva Desai, Head Dept. of Computer Science, VNSGU was the Chief Guest and Mr. Manhar C. Desai, Secretary- Vanita Vishram was the Guest of Honour. Around 300 students remained present.
The session was organized under the guidance of Hon’ble Provost sir Dr. Daxesh Thakar and Dr.Nirali Dave- Dean-Computer Science
It was coordinated by Dr. Hemangini Patel , Dr Dikshan Shah & Dr Bhumika Charnanad, with the kind support of the faculties of the Department of Computer Science.