Visit to Cyber Cell, Surat

The Department of Computer Science, School of Science and Technology, Vanita Vishram Women’s University organised a visit to Cyber Crime Cell, Surat on 1st March, 2025, Saturday in which Police Inspector Mr. D. V. Gamit explained the students of TYBCA about the current cases of Cyber Crime.
The main objective of this field visit was to familiarise the students about real world cases in cyber crime, give the exposure to cyber laws, spread the awareness of cyber threats and describe best practices to prevent from such cyber attacks.
Around 50+ students from TYBCA, the Department of Computer Science visited the Cyber Crime Cell, Surat and showed their active participation by asking the questions about Cyber security and safety.

The field visit was organised under the guidance of our Hon. Provost, Dr. Daxesh Thakar with the cooperation from Dr. Nirali Dave Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology.
It was well coordinated by Dr. Bhumika Charnanand, Assistant Professor , Ms. Bharti Chugh, Assistant Professor and Ms. Shruti Prajapati, Teaching Assistant. 


Vanita Vishram Women’s University (VVWU) is the First-ever Women’s University of Gujarat approved under Public-Private-Partnership with the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009. VVWU is committed to provide quality education and employment opportunities to its girl students through its revamped curriculum and pedagogy. The focus is on prioritizing practical component and experiential learning supported through academia-industry linkages, functional MoUs, skill development training, internships etc. It aims at providing opportunities to the girl students for holistic development and self-reliance.