Department of Microbiology organized a laboratory visit to Anand Microbiology Laboratory (AML), Surat for PGDMLT students.
Dr. Vandana Lad, the chief Microbiologist, AML explained the students about clinical sample collection, processing and disposal as carried out in Clinical lab. The students were also made familiarized with automated instruments used by the AML to aid in rapid and accurate diagnosis. The visit to AML served specific educational objectives related to their study of core paper in the first semester.
The session was conducted under the guidance of Hon’ble Provost Sir, Dr. Daxesh Thakar and with the support of Dr. Manisha Vyas, Dean, School of Science and Technology, as well as Dr. Pinakin Dhandhukia, HoD, Dept. of Microbiology. It was coordinated by Dr. Padmshree Patel.