60 students of TY B.Com and M.Com Part- II of School of Commerce & Business Management have completed 36 hrs training in 9-day workshop on “Employability Skills” organized by Mahindra NAANDI Foundation at Vanita Vishram Women’s University between 28th August, 2023 to 6th September, 2023.
On 6th September, 2023, a certificate distribution ceremony was organized. Each participant was handed over individual certificate to symbolize their commitment, growth, and potential in the professional life.
On this occasion Hon’ble Secretary Mr. M.C Desai inspired students to sharpen these skills every day and achieve excellence.
Registrar- Dr. R.D Patel, Dean -SCBM Dr. Abhilasha Agarwal, Training & Placement Officer- Dr. Vijaykumar Radadiya, HOD- Commerce Dr. Nanda Bothra, Gujarat Head NAANDI Foundation Mr. Pankaj Dandge, Faculty Coordinator Ms. Madhulika Singh & Ms. Kajal Bhomia and Trainer Ms. Kirti Gade remained present and distributed the certificates.