A 21 Days Student Development Program on Adobe Photoshop has been conducted by the Dept. of Computer Science, SST during summer vacation 2023. Students were awarded certificates after completion of this SDP.
Pre-Placement Session conducted by HDFC Bank officials for the final year graduating students.
Grow more trees Tree plantation in our campus near annexe building done by the Hon’ble Provost Dr. Daxesh Thakar with active participation of Mr. Viral Desai and Mr. Ankit Desai.
Outstanding Achievement! Bronze Medal in All India Inter University Woodball Tournament Ms. Nandini Jhanwar, student of F.Y. B.Com, School of Commerce & Business Management participated in All India Inter University Woodball Tournament and secured Bronze Medal in Fairway Single eventheld …
Congratulations to the students of second year B. Voc. in Fashion Designing, School of Vocational Studies, Ms. Birwa Barot, Ms. Ishita Vankhede and Ms. Princy Patel for participation at Bhagwan Mahavir University in “The Ultimate Talent Event” and securing the …
On the Auspicious day of Aatham of Chaitri Navratri, we have started with the 1st admission for the academic year 2023-24 given in 5 years Integrated Course of M.Sc. IT (B.Sc. IT + M.Sc. IT)
Registration for Admission in UG, PG, Ph.D. and certificate courses for 2023-24 in Vanita Vishram Women’s University (managed by Vanita Vishram) are open! To register click https://tinyurl.com/VVWUAdm2023
Students of Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology participated and won at various competitions in Vibrant-u-2K23 held at the Department of Biotechnology, VNSGU, Surat. The team of Ms. Shruti Jha, Ms. Hiba Shaikh and Ms. Priyanka Khevalkar got the 1st prize …
Ms. Shikha Pandey, a student of S.Y. B.Sc. (Microbiology) got the Third prize and cash prize of Rs. 1000 at district level Elocution Competition held by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan. Congratulations! 🎊🎊